Monday, August 24, 2009


at the lawn concert
lighting one spot at at time-
Fireflies Anthology, Bottle Rockets Press, Summer 2007

cricket in the house-
if only we shared
the same bedtime
Stylus Poetry Journal, January 2003

a cool summer rain
impatiens perk up
before I do
Outlaw Poets, June 2004


Bill said...

You've really caught the flavor of summer, Adelaide.

Bill said...

Nice group, Adelaide. I like the freshness of you fireflies-ku.

Adelaide said...

Thanks, Bill.

Kristin Riggs said...

My very first haiku was about fireflies. :) I love this set! I've enjoyed visiting your blog very much.

Adelaide said...

Thanks, Kristin.

T.Migratorius said...


I love how you captured best what fireflies do... lighting one tiny spot at a time!

In "crickets" I enjoy how you calmly observe his singing even though you are in need of some sleep.

And...the comparison of your fatigue with the perky flowers is fabulous!


Adelaide said...

Thanks for your praise, Robin. Already the weather is changing and I'll be thinking autumn haiku.


T.Migratorius said...

Yes, how quickly this summer has flown. I'll look forward to your autumn poetry.

Emma Dalloway said...

hello Adelaide - thank you for visiting my site, Im a big fan of yours


  early spring in my side vision yellow crocus HH Newsletter