Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Haiku Sequence


                                                                  the Giralda tower,

                                                            shimmering in the heat—

                                                            the empty streets


                                                            chinks of light

                                                            slipping through the slatted blinds—

                                                            click of the fan


                                                            sweat beads up—

                                                            thinking of Santa Cruz

                                                            and strolling guitars


                                                            sliding an ice cube

                                                            around my neck and shoulders

                                                            waiting for dusk


Stylus Poetry Journal



Tuesday, May 21, 2024


I try with words
or with paint and brush
to capture my world
 inadequate the results
no matter the feelings
The Art of Tanka

Sunday, May 12, 2024


the family table
all the stains and scratches
under a fancy cloth;
how can I remove memories
left by this who have gone?
Ash Moon Anthology


  early spring in my side vision yellow crocus HH Newsletter