Friday, July 28, 2023

Haiku Sequence

 Demolition Day

still seeing curtains
starched and blowing
the boarded windows

littered asphalt
the blue-white hydrangeas
just a memory

waves of dust rise
with the crumbling house—
faded snapshots

"I'm home. I''m home"
a child calls from down the street
I look back

Bottle Rockets

Thursday, July 20, 2023


                                                                           . . .and the living is easy   


It’s summer. Birds are pecking at the feeder and suet cage. Chickadees, sparrows, cardinals, woodpeckers, juncos, finches. They chase each other away—bullies with wings. There’s no need to provide food for them now, but I like to watch them.  There are seeds, insects, berries and worms aplenty in the wooded areas around my condo. They have learned where food is readily available. Freeloaders! The whole lot of them.


                                                              “Pick Your Own Berries”

                                                               I buy a  basket 

                                                               filled by the farmer

Contemporary Haibun Online 

Tuesday, July 4, 2023


 the sky above
between eastern mountains
and the western ocean
from brush  fires and sunset
the same red

Red Lights


  early spring in my side vision yellow crocus HH Newsletter