Sunday, February 26, 2023

Tanka Sequence


between flights
of here and there
a hopping bird,
how far could I go
if I had wings?

a new plan—
the child in me
wants to believe
in fairy tales
and miracles

game on
with the squirrel
try and try again 
the feeder is the challenge
squirrel—10, me–0

spring dances her way
across the stage with small steps
slow and hesitantt
pauses and waits for winter
to take his bow and leave

another plan
doomed to lose or hyped to win
intentions are high
too long to think of a week
I look to the next hour

Red Lights

Monday, February 20, 2023


dripping icicles
the slippery patches
on flagstones:
I navigate life's hazards
more slowly now
Modern English Tanka

Saturday, February 4, 2023


                                    THE GHOSTS OF BENNETT COLLEGE              


                                                            forgotten field–

                                                            purple loosestrife

                                                            catches the wind


It stands decomposing a little more each day.  With the passing seasons, wind, rain, snow, sleet, and sun have rendered their work on the walls of wood and stone.  Vacant for decades.  Once a hotel, built in 1893, a weekend respite for city folk who wanted the country air.  In 1907 a women’s finishing school and college until its closing in 1978


Structured in the style of Adirondack lodges, it boasted 200 rooms, wide verandas under stone archways, restful gardens and rambling paths. It gave life to the small farming community. 


Now, just a relic at the entrance to the village, sinking lower into the dirt.  Unchecked nature has taken over the gardens; vandals have plundered whatever could be plundered.


The eager faces and voices of students, the laughter and talk, the weighty discussions and gay parties.  Now only in old photos and some memories.


                                                                  swirling fog           

                                                                  the shadowy movement         

                                                                  of a deer


 Contemporary Haibun Online


  early spring in my side vision yellow crocus HH Newsletter