Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Tanka sequence



my first-born child

sleeps deeply in my arms

his body weightless;

            emptiness I shall have

            when he is grown and leaves


her baby softness

the fragrance of her skin

her downy gold hair

            I flow into her warmth

            and she into me


again, love grows

before she takes her first breath

and opens blue eyes

            her life in my hands

            my life in hers

Sunday, November 13, 2022


                                 GRIMSON FRAGMENTS                                                             

Autumn falls into the river. Ochre and mustard rush past the summer towns bringing early mists and fog, stretching across fields and roads, wrapping all in its path with gifts of silence.

The season brings an early dusk, banishing the languid nights. Trailing winds, hinting of icy storms, chase away picnickers, the brass bands and swimmers at the shore. Bare branches let in the sky and the earth turns brown.

                                                fire in the hearth

                                                I choose a book from the stack

                                                by your empty chair

Drifting Sands 

Wednesday, November 2, 2022


 bouncing leaves
the wind changes
to a new rhythm

another day
pushing against the wind
autumn leaves
Modern Haiku


  early spring in my side vision yellow crocus HH Newsletter