Friday, November 9, 2018

Tanka for Autumn

the autumn woods
leaves drop with a slowness
in the long shadows
unspoken woods of love
between us

gathering leaves
I can’t decide which to toss
pressed between
waxed paper
they still fade

reaching upward
the heavy limbs of the maple
dimmed by the mist
the eternal patterns of autumn
spread before me

Tanka Society of America
Bottle Rockets
Anglo-Japanese Tanka Society Journal

Friday, November 2, 2018



a drowsy autumn afternoon through the open window distant calls from children at play a slow moving breeze koto music from our Japanese neighbor you beside me asleep after loving your breathing easy and rhythmic

Paradise regained
a bumper crop of apples
in the orchard

April 2013


  early spring in my side vision yellow crocus HH Newsletter