Thursday, January 22, 2015



My circle is shrinking. For years it expanded.  Yes, there were gaps when someone left, but others came. Always more. Grandma and Grandpa gone. A new uncle and twin cousins came. Aunts and uncles gone. A brother-in-law, a niece and nephews filled their spots. A husband, children, grandchildren and friends kept the circle expanding. It was a loose circle, but so wide for so long it was easy to ignore time and the loosening of someone’s hand until it slipped away.  And they do slip, some slowly and painfully–cancer, emphysema;  some instantly–a lightning strike, a heart attack. It does no good to hold on tightly. I do anyway.

blowing bubbles
before they leave the wand
each one is mine


UHTS Cattails samurai haibun contest, FIRST PLACE, December 2014

Sunday, January 4, 2015



                                               party over
                                               the snap crackle of logs
                                               in an empty room

                                               non-stop snow
                                               we pass each other going
                                               from room to room

                                               fresh snow
                                               beginning the new year
                                               with a clean slate

Magnapoets, spring 2012
HSA Anthology 2008(revised)
Shiki Kukai, Jan. 2012


  early spring in my side vision yellow crocus HH Newsletter