Wednesday, December 24, 2014


                                          CHRISTMAS DAY 2002
Christmas afternoon at my daughter’s house.   Lulled by good food, holiday music and family  cheer.  Realizing too late we have stayed too long.
                                            a spreading whiteness
                                            as darkness descends—
                                            the intense quiet
Street not plowed.  Almost no indication where curbs are.  We open the side windows to see better.  Heavy-laden trees and bushes reach out to grab at the car and lash us.  Can’t make a hill.  We back down and try again.  A longer run this time, but still not quite.  Once more we back down and slide into a drift.
                                             wind-blown snow
                                             the slow slog back
                                             to family
Presence, #28 Jan. 2006

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Friday, December 12, 2014



Once more I’m down on my hands and knees creeping along the garden bed pulling weeks.  It’s an on-going spring and summer activity, never getting ahead, always playing catch-up. Weed killers or preventers have limited or no success.  What works, although only temporarily, is pulling them.

There is some pleasure in this chore.  It requires no deep concentration on the activity itself, freeing my thoughts to float on the breeze.  To think about big things–the unrest in the Middle East, unemployment, the national debt.  And, little things…

                                                 an ant
                                                           crawling across my hand
                                                                                             the long journey

March 2013

Friday, December 5, 2014


                                            NAXOS BLUE

Blue…as the sky is blue, a hot blue seen on a scorching day at noon.  Blue…as the Aegean Sea is blue, a shimmering blue under the never ending sun.  Blue on doors and shutters, on small boats in the harbor, on café signs, on domes of churches in the dusty hills.  Blue against the glare of white stucco buildings, blue against the sheen of white marble steps and sidewalks.

                                          blue and white bowl
                                              ancient history takes shape
                                                   in my hands

JOURNEYS, An anthology of International Haibun
Edited by Angelee Deodhar, 2014




  early spring in my side vision yellow crocus HH Newsletter