Sunday, December 18, 2011



Our first Christmas in Switzerland is in a cramped two room furnished apartment, my husband and I and three children.  We are newly arrived from Los Angeles.

The apartment is on the fourth floor in a building with a broken elevator.  A promise from the concierge that it will be repaired toute suite does not come about during the two months we are there.

wind-blown snow
swirling in a paper-weight
the high window view

On Christmas Eve, after dinner in a restaurant, we climb the three flights of stairs, pour eggnog and open presents.  The children fall asleep in their cots, and my husband and I refill our glasses, adding a dram of spirits.  He reads and I write.

cold moonlight
I search the sky
for a bright star

Contemporary Haibun On-line, March 2010

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Sunday, December 11, 2011


                                                    sleety rain
                                            waiting on the embers
                                                    before bed

                                                    fresh snow                                            
                                            from his upper window
                                                 a neighbor's wave

                                                     light snow
                                              her long cape sweeps
                                                the steps clean                                                    

Simply Haiku, winter 2011
3 Lights Gallery, January 2009
Presence, winter 2011
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Thursday, December 1, 2011


                                                THE LIKENESS OF THINGS
teenaged girls like talk to each other and like to their friends on their cell phones they like tell each other like everything that they like are thinking and are like trying to like talk above and like over the others without like pausing for like a breath with a sudden movement one girl like gets up and like slings her large bag like over her shoulder and like walks away soon the others like follow and the plaza is like quiet

                                                 plaza fountain
                                                      a steady sprinkling of drops
                                                            on the pavement

Simply Haiku, Sept. 2010


  early spring in my side vision yellow crocus HH Newsletter