Saturday, September 24, 2011


                                             CALIFORNIA DREAMING

October 9, the day we arrive in Los Angeles.  Connecticut transplants. Fugitives from cold winters and lack of work.  Mom, Dad, older sister and I, 16 years old.  A new life in the ultimate dreamland.

                                                 stepping off the train
                                                 a Santa Anna blows
                                                 on schedule 

Surprises and changes every day.  The hot autumn, not the cool, brisk, vivid season of the northeast; eye smarting smog, the sky a dull beige, not the clean, fresh blue we knew; tacos, chili and burritos, not fish and chips or ham with baked beans; bungalows, haciendas and mission churches, not colonial, Georgian and gothic cathedrals.

                                               Pacific sunset–
                                               cheering to win
                                               new school colors

Gean, June 2010

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Apple haiku

Heron's Nest, Sept. 2006
Frogpond, Autumn 2005
Dragonfly, October 1975
And Unknown Road
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Sunday, September 4, 2011



everything you need everything you want at the mall clothes for school clothes for work at the mall running shoes party shoes fill your house your garage at the mall come today come tomorrow hang out here meet your friends at the mall short of cash charge it now at the mall  everything you need everything you want at the mall

                                                indoor garden
                                              the artificial color
                                                     of roses

Simply Haiku, March 2011

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  early spring in my side vision yellow crocus HH Newsletter