Sunday, February 26, 2023

Tanka Sequence


between flights
of here and there
a hopping bird,
how far could I go
if I had wings?

a new plan—
the child in me
wants to believe
in fairy tales
and miracles

game on
with the squirrel
try and try again 
the feeder is the challenge
squirrel—10, me–0

spring dances her way
across the stage with small steps
slow and hesitantt
pauses and waits for winter
to take his bow and leave

another plan
doomed to lose or hyped to win
intentions are high
too long to think of a week
I look to the next hour

Red Lights


Magyar said...

double clutch
a down-shift that entices
road sounds ease

Smiles! _m

Adelaide said...

Hi Doug,

Must be the way my mind works, but I find double meaning in this haiku. You gave me a smile this morning.



 sleety rain the click, click of knitting needles HaikuKatha