Friday, May 9, 2014


Our new home will eventually be in the country.  We go there often to paint and work in the yard.

It's early May.  The rolling hills are lush with new grass.  The road bends and turns. A red barn and silo.  Holsteins and horses standing quietly in pastures.  Dogwood along the road, the delicate limbs spreading outward.  

So much to see.  I want to go slowly to absorb it all, to have this beauty become a permanent part of my being.

All too soon we reach our house where work awaits.  Once…someone's pride.  Now…overgrown grass to cut, bushes to prune, dead wood to remove.  So many trees and shrubs left to wither and die.  Years of neglect to undo. 
                                                the old house–
                                                finding in the side yard
                                                white lilacs

Contemporary Haibun On-line September 2006


Bill said...

Nice, Adelaide.

Adelaide said...

Thank you, Bill.

Vandama and Janet: I read your comments, but I don't know why they aren't showing.

Thank you both.

We have been in the house 8 years now. It's hard to remember what the place looked like when we bought it.


Gillena Cox said...

What is so interesting about your halibun is the tour, i enjoyed the scene and happily spotted the lilacs

Much love...

Adelaide said...

Thank you, Gillena. In another week all the lilacs should be in full bloom


maggie said...

Lovely, Adelaide . . .

maggie said...

Lovely, Adelaide . . .


 sleety rain the click, click of knitting needles HaikuKatha