Friday, June 21, 2013

Tanka Sequence

                                                 A COUNTRY IDYLL

                                                 summer pasture–
                                                 a sway-back horse grazes
                                                 in the shade;
                                                 the quiet of this morning
                                                 comes to me in waves

                                                 hill-top farmhouse
                                                 flanked by sentinels
                                                 of twin pines;
                                                 the years they have stood watch
                                                 through the rolling seasons
                                                 silver-edged clouds–
                                                 a shadow slowly glides
                                                 over the meadow;
                                                 soon the day will give over
                                                 to ordinary chores

Modern English Tanka, spring 2007

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Bill said...

Very nice, especially, for me, the first one, but the sequence works well as a whole.

But, um, isn't this a tanka sequence?

Adelaide said...

You're right, Bill. A tanka sequence it is.



bouwebrouwer said...

Indeed very idyllic. Makes me want to get out of town, into the countryside.

Adelaide said...

Thank you, Bouwe. Glad you stopped by to visit.


janetld said...

I feel like I'm there. Nice sequence!

Adelaide said...

Thank you, Janet.


Frank... said...

A lovely presentation, Adelaide. In particular I like the first verse that seems to set the mood of the piece as a whole...

Adelaide said...

It is idyllic up here, at least, if you're not a farmer who has to do all that work.


Gillena Cox said...

washing dishes
a new fragrance suds my mind
through the window wild flowers
bowing as if to wind gods

much love...

Adelaide said...

Hi Gillena,

I love your tanka. Thank you.



                                                           woodland phlox                                                         wet grass ...