Thursday, June 13, 2013


                     A NEIGHBORHOOD PARTY

Five o'clock on a balmy afternoon in late summer.  A party at the neighbor's.  A Jordanian family with dozens of relatives, all present to celebrate a young man's completion of his medical training.

                     a pink and blue sky-
                     the early evening vibrates
                     with a tublah drum *

Exotic odors wafting throughout the garden.  Between eating, there is much talk in Arabic and English and joyous music.

                       a murmuring wind -
                       the ululations of women
                       in the night

We are welcomed into this close family, encouraged to eat, drink, dance.  At one end of the garden, rock and roll; at the other end, a belly dancer.

                        the moon's half light-
                        bejeweled hands twist and turn

*tublah drum:  a Arab drum similar to a bongo
Stylus Poetry Journal, Dec. 2005

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Gillena Cox said...

a sumptious haibun; love the word 'ulalations'

much love...

Adelaide said...

Thanks, Gillena. It was an interesting evening, both in regards to food and entertainment.


Frank... said...

A lovely presentation, Adelaide. I too like the word, 'ululations', which I had to look up...

Adelaide said...

Hi Frank,
Thanks for your comments.



 sleety rain the click, click of knitting needles HaikuKatha