Friday, August 31, 2012


Summer Haiku

rose trellis
shadows on the wall
woven by the wind

first light
a coolness in the call
of mourning doves

summer dampness   surrounded
       on a country road   night smells

Shiki kukai, 11/2010
Presence , autumn 2010
Taj Mahal Review, winter 2008
(with some modification)-


Bill said...

An excellent trio. I especially recognize the coolness you hear in the mourning dove's call.

Adelaide said...

Thank you, Bill. Soon I'll be putting up autumn haiku. Where has the summer gone?


Frank... said...

I echo Bill's sentiment a very nice trio of haiku. In particular, I like the first poem - love the third line.I can't believe it's September already.

Adelaide said...

Hi Frank,

Thanks for your kind words.



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