Friday, August 24, 2012


                                            THOUGHTS ON A HOT NIGHT

Old apprehensions and worries return in dreams.  Final exams, new job, no job.  Misunderstandings, disappointments, changes, both planned and unexpected.  The present and the past skewed and twisted, a tangle of truth and nightmare, a canvas of smeared colors.

Upon awakening, elusive remnants remain.  A piece here… there.  Sometimes pleasant, sometimes unsettling.

                                             full summer moon–
                                             an owl asks “Who?”
                                             I ask ,”Why?”
 Gean, spring 2011

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Frank... said...

Something we can all indentify with. A well written piece, Adelaide with a humorous haiku that integrates in well with the prose...

Adelaide said...

Thank you Frank.


Bill said...

Sometimes I'm back in the army. Or I'm standing before a class, realizing I'm completely unprepared. Besides, I'm naked.

Adelaide said...

It seems that our fears, known and unknown, real and imagined, appear in dreams.

Thanks for visiting.



 sleety rain the click, click of knitting needles HaikuKatha