Wednesday, January 3, 2024


TINSEL TOWN                                    


She is a devout Catholic, transplanted from a small town from somewhere in the mid-west to Los Angeles. Here is where she'll find excitement, glamour, stimulation. And… love.  


When I meet her, she is thirty-two years old. I am only eighteen, the youngest member of the church club. She isn't the only woman member over thirty, just the plainest, the quietest. She is the one who is most likely to remain forever unmarried. Forever a spinster. Forever an old maid.


After several months, I drop out of the club, but return a year later.


"We're chipping in for a bassinet for Irene's baby."


"Sure, I'll give," I say. "I didn't know she was married."


"She isn't."



tinsel town–

another glorious day                

before the rain



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 sleety rain the click, click of knitting needles HaikuKatha