Friday, March 10, 2023




Just as first constructed–chrome, Formica, pale shades of mauve and gray accented with darker maroon on the counter stools and the trim of the booths. Juke boxes still at each booth. Although not working, they still have the song- lists of more than 50 years ago.


If you want a big meal or a light snack it's available from 6:00 a.m. until 10:00 p.m. every day. 

Three o'clock in the afternoon is a quiet time to come. Coffee and maybe a pastry, my notebook, a book to read, and a picture window view of the village's main street are there waiting.


                                                           connecting the past

                                                           a heavy mug of coffee

                                                           to warm my hands

World Haiku Review


Magyar said...

between each two sips
a dollop of coffee shines
history's counter

__In my home-town, that "Diner" as I remember, has been there since before I was 10 years old, and THAT was 70 YEARS ago... .

__Counting drips by that -counter- His-story. Smiles! _m

Adelaide said...

I miss going to the Millbrook diner. Where i am now, there is no diner.

Thanks for your haiku.


Gillena Cox said...

Ah sounds really nice.


Adelaide said...

Thank you Gillena for stopping by.


Magyar said...

jems grown of the past
greening granite in earth's moss
such old graced with new

__Greening; St. Patric's Day? _m

Adelaide said...

thank you, Doug


 sleety rain the click, click of knitting needles HaikuKatha