Saturday, March 7, 2020


 Stage Directions 
Spring usually comes in on a yo-yo. The temperature is up; the temperature is down. This spring is no different. I wait for the snow to melt off the flower beds. I am impatient to get a rake and clear away winters debris and expose dark, rich dirt, to see the tips of daffodils, tulips and iris, to watch forsythia buds, now small and brown, grow fuller and fuller until they erupt into bloom. I eagerly await the weigela’s blossoming, filling an otherwise bare canvas in one corner of the garden with a splash of fuchsia. Azalea, dogwood, peonies, lilac–all standing by, waiting for their cue to appear. 
a growing warmth
arthritic joints respond
to a robin’s song 
Samurai Contest 2019
UHTS, 2nd place


littlemancat said...

Congratulations, Adelaide! It's a wonderful haibun - well done.
I've been in a writing slump and need to get back into it. Your writing is an inspiration.
Mary F.Ahearn

Adelaide said...

Thank you, Mary. Perhaps spring will bring inspiration.


Gillena Cox said...

Happy Spring Adelaide, i can feel the anticipation of this buds blooming


Adelaide said...

Thank you, Gillena. With all that's going on, spring still keeps coming. Praise be to that!


Sandy said...

I saw my first robin on the ground today. Funny, since it was snowing. Yesterday I saw a pair of grackles pulling a twisted vine off a wrought Iron stand. They took all of it. I wish I could see that nest when it is done. Your verse is lovely and heartwarming.

Adelaide said...

Thank you, Sandy. Much appreciated



 sleety rain the click, click of knitting needles HaikuKatha