Thursday, November 21, 2019

Tanka for autumn

apple picking
each year with children
now just we two
I gather the fruit
as I gathered memories

the brilliance of fall
coupled with shorter days
gives me pause
this certainty I accept,
yet I long to dally

a new month
the advance of autumn
proceedes quickly
morning frost on bare trees
and sweaters out of mothballs

Lyrical Passion Poetry, 11/2017
Tanka Anthology, 2015
Presence, winter 2015


Magyar said...

Nice, Adelaide, and the bell chimes:
__ Hung on the line they freshen in the morning airs, sweaters once stored in that trunk of summer's heat. (I think I, sometimes, store my mind in that summer trunk.)

mothball odor
sweaters sweetened by the winds
clothes line

Adelaide said...

Thanks, Doug. That fresh air smell in clothes is so much better than a dryer smell.


Sandy said...

Lovely trio of poems!

a bright moon
climbs through maple limbs
feels like snow

Adelaide said...

Thanks, Sandy. We expect snow on Monday. Too soon for me.


Gillena Cox said...

sweet memories
crunch of apples


Adelaide said...

Thank you, Gillena



TAKING STOCK    Something left unsaid  or incorrectly said. Some decision made or not made. A false start or no start. A wrong step. A mista...