Thursday, April 25, 2019

Tanka Sequence


gray dawn
the gray smell of coal smoke
against gray buildings;
a stranger in a foreign city
will it ever be home?

exploring the streets
the rapid speech of locals
carried in the wind
tentatively I ask
for directions 

cold wind down my neck
my string bag bulges
with groceries
at the end of the first day
a lighter step to my walk

Modern English Tanka 2007


Magyar said...

Grand, Adelaide
__ Your valued relationship Adelaide, of these photos and your tanka, had caused... an old crust... below. _m

as pigeons skip
over this dampened way
an old crust
gives to their daily life
forever hunts

pdfrench said...

Excellent, I really enjoyed this piece!!

Adelaide said...

Thank you Magyar for your kind words and tanka.


Adelaide said...

Thank you pdfrench for your visit and comments.


Sandy said...

I loved the art and the poems. This piece makes me want to know more about your adventure.

Adelaide said...

Thank you Sandy. Once upon a time we lived in Switzerland for almost five years. I'lll have to post some more about that time. By the way, the art work are photos edited with Picassa.


Gillena Cox said...

This is gorgeous i luv the use of your greyscale photos

writers block

much love...

Adelaide said...

Thank you, gillena. Since I can't draw better than a two year old. I have to use photos and create "art" the digital way.



 sleety rain the click, click of knitting needles HaikuKatha