Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Haiku for Summer

                                                                  fingers of the sea
                                                                  rushing through marsh grass
                                                                  the sinking path

                                                                  windows open
                                                                  the sound of summer
                                                                  in all the rooms

                                                                  early morning walk
                                                                  grass clippings turn old sneakers
                                                                  a new shade

Heron's Nest
Cloud Peak


Magyar said...

Happy Sunday Adelaide. I've been "summer-slow" lately.
__ This, is a nifty triplet of your thoughts Adelaide, and I really like your "the sound of summer; in all the rooms"! _m

in open windows
as ferry whistle's echo
the island journies

Adelaide said...

thanks, Magyar. Your haiku brought back memories of our trips to Martha’s Vineyard



 sleety rain the click, click of knitting needles HaikuKatha