Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Tanka Sequence: For Joseph

For Joseph F. Shaw

To JFS on our 50th anniversary 

first date
he reaches across
to take my hand
in an instant I know
he will hold it for life

the winter sun
through a window
warming my back;
the lazy comfort
of lunch for two
if I could turn back
I’d revise some stories
of my life,
yet, the part in which you come
would always be the same
youthful excitements
long ago put aside
for comforts of home;
my books, my music and wine
and you in my life

all the years
learning the ins and outs
of a marriage,
the last chapter not yet read,
not yet written
Red Lights
Jan. 2011


Magyar said...

strides taken
into another realm
memory lines this path
of step to step
hand in hand

__ My best wishes to you Joseph, and to you Adelaide for the keeping of life's loving memories. _m

Sandy said...

So lovely. I am sorry for your loss.

Adelaide said...

Thank you, Magyar, for your beautiful tanka. Memories are precious, and I have wonderful memories to ease this loss.


Adelaide said...

Thank you, Sandy. I have my children and friends, including long distance internet friends, to help me along this new journey.



 sleety rain the click, click of knitting needles HaikuKatha