Sunday, August 14, 2016


                                              Tanka for Summer

                                                cool wine, sharp cheese
                                                a loaf of bread and you
                                                in the summer shade
                                                when hair was dark and limbs strong
                                                and life was still to be lived

                                                wind on the hill
                                                coming from the north
                                                my gift to you
                                                if I had the power
                                                to cool on this sultry day

                                                a river view
                                                between the vee of trees
                                                smaller each year;
                                                what I could hve seen
                                                in an earlier life

Tanka Cafe, Ribbons
Simply Haiku, Never Ending Story


Gillena Cox said...

luv the nostalgia in these, it is good to look back in happy remembrance

much love...

janetld said...

Lovely….And I like the thought-provoking way in which you end your series: "….in an earlier life."

Adelaide said...

Thank you Gillena and Janet.



 sleety rain the click, click of knitting needles HaikuKatha