Saturday, August 22, 2015


                                                A SUMMER DUSK 

It is late dusk. The tall pines are silhouettes against the fading light in a sky still streaking purple with a tinge of pink. Soon all color is gone and the first star appears. Star light. Star bright. What wishes I had as a child. To be a ballerina. A silly wish as there was no money for ballet lessons. To have a doll house. I did get that wish. Not the big dollhouse I saw in the department store toy section, but a dollhouse.

My wishes now are different. Health for family and continued love and security. Perhaps some rain to cool off this muggy night. And a breeze to chase away the mosquitoes which are not repulsed by the citronella candles.

                                               crickets and tree frogs
                                               are they singing or wishing
                                               on a star?

Bottle Rockets, summer 2015


Gillena Cox said...

Absolutely luv this haibun. The nostalgia is so absorbing

Have a nice Sunday

Much love...

Adelaide said...

Thank you, Gillena. You, too, have a nice Sunday.



 sleety rain the click, click of knitting needles HaikuKatha