Sunday, February 2, 2014

Haiku Sequence

                                                    Demolition Day
                                                    still seeing curtains
                                                    starched and blowing
                                                    the boarded windows
                                                    littered asphalt
                                                    the blue-white hydrangeas
                                                    just a memory
                                                    waves of dust rise
                                                    with the crumbling house
                                                    faded snapshots
                                                    "I'm home, I'm home"
                                                     a child calls from down the street
                                                     I look back
Bottle Rockets,
spring 2004


Bill said...

A lovely sequence, and that last line is a heartbreaker.

Adelaide said...

Thanks, Bill.

Actually, the house was not demolished, although it was scheduled to be. It had been used by squatters and crack addicts and was declared unsafe. The house got a reprieve,however. Three years later it not only was still standing, but someone had done a lot of work in repairing it. It looked lived in, not the house I remember, but still a house with a family.


janetld said...

Enjoyed your sequence, and I agree about that last line. Glad your house wasn't demolished.


P.S. I kept getting a failure notice when I tried to send you a TSA announcement the other day (using the email address I was given). You might want to contact Kathabela to double-check that she has the correct address for you.

Adelaide said...

Thanks, Janet.

I sent Kathabella an e-mail with my e-mail address.


Gillena Cox said...

lovely sequence; Warm wishes on St Valentine's Day

much love...

Adelaide said...

Thanks, Gillena. I've been without a computer for over a week. just got it back today and have a lot of catching up to do.



 sleety rain the click, click of knitting needles HaikuKatha