Wednesday, August 21, 2013


                                                  each day
                                                  taking me closer
                                                  to the horizon;
                                                  I try to slow the trip
                                                  with exercise and vitamins

Tanka Cafe
Ribbons, summer 2012


Bill said...

Wry humor and wisdom combined, and photo and verse complement each other perfectly.

Adelaide said...

Thanks, Bill. Fast approaching my 77th birthday, there is nothing else but to laugh and accept it.


janetld said...

I do that too.

I agree about the photo and tanka complementing each other well.

Adelaide said...

Thank you, Janet.


Gillena Cox said...

nice one, getting there all of us, cheers to wisdom of years

much love...

Adelaide said...

Thanks, Gilllena. We have to stay young at heart.



TAKING STOCK    Something left unsaid  or incorrectly said. Some decision made or not made. A false start or no start. A wrong step. A mista...