Wednesday, July 3, 2013


                                   long ago beach days
                                   coming back with the tide–
                                   slow walk with his cane

                                   late afternoon
                                   the beach odors change
                                   from fries to kelp

                                   high tide
                                   filling rock basins
                                   eroding them

An Unknown Road 2008
World Haiku Review, 2002
World Haiku Review, 2003
Haiku Harvest 2006
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Frank... said...

a lovely sequence and and equally lovely photo to compliment each verse, Adelaide...

Gillena Cox said...

absolutely, the second haiku is my favorite

much love...

Margie said...

Adelaide, beautiful writings.
And beautiful photo

Adelaide said...

Thank you, Margie. I appreciate your comments.


 sleety rain the click, click of knitting needles HaikuKatha