Friday, May 17, 2013


Smply Haiku, winter 2011
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Bill said...

Is that Mystic? Really makes me want to board that boat and go!

On the other hand:

slide show
of their summer travels
my mind wanders

Adelaide said...

Hi Bill,

Yes, it is Mystic. Thanks for your haiku. A good one: does your mind wander because you wish you were there or because it's a boring slide show? I've been on both sides of a slide show. Often wondered what my captive guests really thought of our slides.

Frank... said...

Poem & photo complement each other well, Adelaide. It would be nice to just sail off into the sunset. The boat reminds me of the tea clipper, Cutty Sark in Greenwich...

Adelaide said...

Thanks for your comments, Frank. Yes,a romantic idea, sailing into the sunset to far away places.



 sleety rain the click, click of knitting needles HaikuKatha