Thursday, February 14, 2013


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                                                 moon gazing
                                                 fogging up the cold window
                                                 with my breath

Daily Haiku, June 8, 2011


Frank... said...

Love the way you have photo shopped the photo of the moon, Adelaide. Haiku & photo compliment each other well...

Adelaide said...

Thanks, Frank. I never know what effect I'm looking for until after I've achieved it. I keep experimenting until something strikes me as suitable. Often, I can't repeat it.


Gillena Cox said...

absolutely one of my favourites

much love...

Bill said...

"I never know what effect I'm looking for until after I've achieved it."

That's the secret, isn't it? It's when we sweat over a preconceived effect that nothing happens.

Adelaide said...

Thank you, Bill and Gillena. Glad you stopped by.


Warren said...

As always, Adelaide - a gorgeous, evocative image and equally terrific haiku. Good stuff!


Adelaide said...

Thanks, Warren.



TAKING STOCK    Something left unsaid  or incorrectly said. Some decision made or not made. A false start or no start. A wrong step. A mista...