Saturday, March 24, 2012


                         first day of spring
                         daffodils flown in
                         from Ireland

                         a sun-gold morning
                         rain soaked dafodils
                         lose their droop

                         a wild daffodil
                         in the ravine-
                         the distance I've come

Simply Haiku, March 2011
Haiku Society of America, Anthology 2011
Acorn, Winter 2010
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Frank... said...

A very nice sequence of haiku, Adelaide. Your photo has the feel-good factor in abundance...

Adelaide said...

Thank you Frank. Yes, spring flowers have the capacity to cheer even the gloomiest person, I think.


Gillena Cox said...

nicely done ; your spring sequence is not without surprises, enjoyed the daffodil flown in

much love...

Bill said...

A very good group. Each one has its own tone, "personality."

Adelaide said...

Thank you Gillena and Bill.

This blustery cold wind we've been having is not doing my daffodils any good.


Anonymous said...

I like these ones.

Adelaide said...

Thank you.



 sleety rain the click, click of knitting needles HaikuKatha