Saturday, April 16, 2011


is there spring again                hawthornes in bloom
at the end of our winter            her crayon trees
or is that a tale                        all the same shape
spun of gossamer threads  
to sooth the weary?             

Ash Moon  Anthology, March 2008               Gean, March 2011
Dreams Wander Anthology


Gillena Cox said...

two beautiful sharings; much love...

Frank... said...

Photos and poems are spot on, Adelaide. The colours are so vibrant and cheery...

Adelaide said...

Thank you Gillena and Frank. Glad to have it warm up finally.


Bill said...

Adelaide, I thought I was following you and was beginning to wonder why you had become inactive. NOW I'm following you (don't be alarmed, those are my footsteps you hear.) I have some catching up to do.

Adelaide said...

Glad to hear your footsteps again, Bill.


Warren said...

Fantastic photos and haiga, Adelaide - you are a beautiful artist.



 sleety rain the click, click of knitting needles HaikuKatha