Monday, February 21, 2011


The house in darkness. I watch thick flakes descending slowly. They seem suspended as if in a viscous liquid. Bushes assume a rounded shape; fences appear to sink into the ground. A deep quiet without and within. Even the mechanical noices of the appliances are subdued and still. I stand tranfixed.

falling snow-
between dusk and darkness
there is no time

Contemporary Haibun, April 2005


Frank... said...

Very nice haibun, Adelaide. Prose and haiku compliment each other perfectly. Note typo in first sentence...

Gillena Cox said...

interesting haibun; with a nice surprise ending haiku; much love...

Adelaide said...

Thank you Gillena and Frank. And thanks for noting the typo. I've fixed it.



 sleety rain the click, click of knitting needles HaikuKatha